WordPress Web Developer

Hi, My Name is Alexander and I Build Websites
That Are Custom Designed Just For You

Why not let me build your site today?

One Stop Solution For Web Services

I build websites that are fast, safe and secure. I can Design, Develop, Host and Manage your website. I take care of it, so you can focus on your business and not worry about your website. Here’s how it works:

Modern Design

My sites are designed to be beautiful, functional, and easy to use. I have mastered classic design techniques and study emerging design trends to make each of my sites look unique.


I use WordPress — it’s the web’s top content management system for a reason. My sites are built to be easy to use for customers and administrators alike really, everyone.

Mobile Responsive

Every site is built to work on every device. Having a site that is mobile responsive ensures that the site will look good and present your brand and message in a positive manner.


Keeping your web site fast and secure after the launch is critical. My full menu of services offers you a variety of options on how involved you want me to be as you move forward.

Latest Works

Gruzińska “Polonia”


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